Monday, November 8, 2010

Days 5,6,7,8 of Thanks

I have to admit that this weekend was "out of control busy".  Mr D who is bothered by asthma has had trouble breathing well in the house.  I know that the walls sweat and sometimes molds form on the surface and if I don't keep up with it, this can have a huge affect on him.   We are really squeezed into our camper and moving furniture around can sometimes be an issue, so this weekend I did an all out cleaning and took everything that was washable to the laundrymat.  It was a lot of curtains, blankets, mattress pads, the window quilts that need to go up, towels out of the cupboard.  I had a big washing.  It took only about 2 hours at the laundrymat though.  That is a huge praise that I didn't have to wash and hang out all this stuff, especially since one of my clotheslines fell down a week ago and it rained today.  I would be fighting with that laundry for a week.

Then I washed down walls with bleach solution and the floor and the ceiling.  Well, if nothing else the house smells good now.  Mr. D is breathing better and I am happier.

I thank the Lord for the ability he has given me to take care of my house.  I know I often complain about cleaning, but just think if you weren't able to do it?  I would be so unhappy all the time.  My momma taught me how to clean and take care of the house and for that I am very grateful. 

I am also thankful for the laundrymat.  Whew... I'd have been in trouble this weekend without it.  That job could have reasonably taken about a week to complete and I would be troubled with getting it done.  Now it is all clean and put away.  You may say... "well that's a silly thing to be thankful for"... but just the same I am extremely thankful.

I am thankful that I have a creative outlet.  I am able to go into my little "cubby hole" of a sewing room and get creative when I need a little creative relief.   Christmas is coming.

I am thankful for my sweet husband who put on my snow tires last night in the dark because it was going to snow today and tomorrow.  Isn't he a sweet guy?

I am thankful for a warm home to come home to.  I am thankful for a good job in a time when many do not have work.  I am thankful for my coworkers who put up with me on Monday after a sleepless night because the wind was blowing hard all night long and they changed the time on me.

I am thankful for my church family with whom we ate a wonderful meal on Sunday... yea for potlucks.  I'm also thankful that we have good cooks at our church :)  of course I probably ate a little too much, but how can you pass up chocolate chip cookie pie and chocolate cream pie?

I think that gets me caught up.  Maybe I'll get a little more serious tomorrow.

Love you guys and join up in the 30 Days of Thanks at Conny's blog


  1. No, the laundromat is not a silly thing to be thankful for at all. When we first bought our house it had no hook-ups or space for decent laundry facilities and we relied on the laundromat until we could arrange for some. It was a big life-saver to be able to do all of our laundry at once in just a few hours time. You do indeed have much to be thankful for.

    Oh, and thank you for sharing with me about the results from the squash seeds. I was a little surprised that they did not work as well as pumpkin seeds, but glad to know there is a difference.

  2. Oh, I'd be thankful for CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE & CHOCOLATE CREAM PIE too ... if only I had some!! hee hee!!!
    Well, glad your Mr. D is feeling better. What a good wifey you are :)

  3. Thank you sweet ladies for visiting my blog. I wish we could share a piece of pie and cup of coffee and just chat a while.

    Won't Heaven be wonderful? *(smile)*
