Thursday, July 10, 2014

Close Encounters of the Furry Kind

My daughters have been actively looking for permanent housing.  Though the little camper in the woods has been great for 2, it's just not adequate for 4.  We've made it work thus far by having a tent set up for Brandon, but I'm quite sure he won't want to be there through the winter.

They were told by a friend of mine about a condo in Enfield and were going to look at it on Monday afternoon when we were all out of work.  I met up with them and loaded the grand boys into my car and the two of them went the other way to look at the condo.  I thought I'd have time to get to the bank in Cornish before it closed to deposit a few checks and take care of some other stuff.  I started off from Lebanon down 120 towards Cornish.  About 2 miles out a deer came barreling down through the woods and jumped out of the trees crashing into the side of my car.  I wasn't going too fast since the speed there is about 35/40, but she hit me pretty hard and I think she broke her neck doing it.  There was a family just down the street who were out and heard the crash and they called the police and game warden as she was not dead, but couldn't get up and was obviously in pain.  I pulled into their driveway and with their help I pulled the deer off the road onto the shoulder.  The police came and took a report and put the poor deer out of her misery.  We were able to take the carcass which fit neatly into my trunk on some plastic liners I had in there.  We had called Mr. D, but he never showed and we later found out that he'd had some trouble with a flat tire on his way so we met him on our way back.

We now have about 150 lb of venison in the freezer and are getting some estimates on the damage to the car.  

These things we are thankful for:
Accident could have been much worse.  She could have gone directly through the windshield, but God's timing was perfect for us.
We had collision insurance on the car... lesson learned from a previous accident caused by an uninsured driver that totaled our main commuting vehicle.
We were able to keep the meat.
We had some help there with getting the deer off the road. (very busy road)
No one was hurt.
Cost of getting the vehicle fixed only $100 deductible.
I'm still able to use the car till it is fixed.
Body shop is right across the street from us.

Joanna and Heather found a place to live that day and are moving in this weekend.

God is always good, but He was especially good this day to us.
After 40 some years driving on these country roads I've only hit two wild animals and one domestic.  This is the only one that died.  I'd say God has His angels watching over me all the time.
Notes from the appraisal  -  fix
Hmmm that seems like a "no brainer"

I can open the door, but not all the way as there's the dent in the fender.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOODNESS ... well, God has strange and wonderful ways of providing for us!! :) Glad you got some meat and came out of the wreck ok.

    Glad, too, that your girls got a new home!!! I'm sure sleeping in a tent is FUN - but only for a while..... ;)
