I was having a “feel sorry for Joanna” kinda week. I started to come down with a cold on Sunday, (sore throats are just the worst). Absolutely tuckered out by the end of the day (blowing your nose 50 times in a day takes a lot outta ya). I secretly wished Norman would come down with the cold too so I had a good excuse to stay home from work (I guess he’s healthier than me cause he’s still chipper as always).
Nope. God had another plan for Norm this week. I picked him up from school and first thing he says “*** got saved today!” (A buddy at school, I’m not sure if I should say his name on FB)
Norman said “I told him John 3:16... ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.’ I told him, Jesus loves you and He took your punishment for your sin so you could have everlasting life in heaven and not die. Well, you’ll die but then you’re immediately in heaven and everything’s beautiful and there’s jewels but then there will be a new earth where you can ride on animals. So, then he prayed, I helped him, and he asked Jesus into his heart.”🤗
Norman agrees we need to see if he can come to church with us! My little missionary.
This has changed my whole attitude. When I’m selfishly grumbling I’m missing out boldly proclaiming.
Lord, get me out of the way so others can see You!
Grand children are such a blessing to me... children too!!!
Monday, October 1, 2018
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Summer 2018
We have had a VERY busy summer. It seems it's not over yet. It started out with the garden. We usually plant on Memorial Day and this Memorial Day was wet, so we planned to do it over the next couple of days and that ended up dragging out to a week. Finally it was all in the ground. Whew. What used to take one day took us several. I guess we aren't as spry as we used to be.
This is what it looked like in May/beginning of June:
Winter squash, chard, Holly Hocks, squash, cukes and summers.
Then it turns into a jungle. The squash just took over everything. Thankfully we needed a LOT of winter squash this year to fill the void in the freezer.
This is what it looked like in May/beginning of June:
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beans and a couple zucchini we didn't know where else to plant |
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winter squash |
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some winter squash in the front, peas, beets and summers
Then the garden grew... these are from July:
Then it turns into a jungle. The squash just took over everything. Thankfully we needed a LOT of winter squash this year to fill the void in the freezer.
In mid August the girls invited me on a camping trip... actually I may have invited myself, but it seemed like a great idea.
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sunset the first night |
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loons the next morning |
Random summer...
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pickles |
big fish at the fishing derby |
grampa and a trophy from the derby |
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green beans for the freezer |
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my pal "Skippy" |
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my garden buddy too |
Squam Lake's Science Center |
in awe of nature |
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swimming buddies |
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new driver's license |
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new car and first day of school 2018 |
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Leah graduated … yea!!! |
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
A Jazzy Hodgepodge

1. April is National Jazz Appreciation Month. Are you a fan? If so what's a favorite you'd recommend to someone new to jazz listening?
I really don't care for Jazz. I love hymns and songs of praise to God. I love a good listen to music from Majesty Music and others like that.
I play guitar and have a uke. I did play the uke, but haven't in so long I'd probably need to relearn. I know the basics of accordion from my dad and have played it some. Other than that I think I would like to learn to play the harp. I've always enjoyed listening to harp music.
3. Do you judge a book by it's cover? Elaborate. You may answer in either/both the literal or figurative sense of the word.
I always have a first impression of people and books, but I try to reserve judgement till I know a little more. I say about books if it doesn't grab my attention in the first chapter I probably won't finish it unless for some reason I must - for instance reading tax laws or DMV laws for work. With people, they don't always have their best foot forward when you first meet them, so give it some time. My best friend in high school had an awful first impression of me, but thankfully she was patient with me and we ended up being quite close.
4. According to a recent studythe ten most nutritious foods are-almonds, cherimoya (supposed to taste like a cross between a pineapple/banana), ocean perch, flatfish (such as flounder and halibut), chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, swiss chard, pork fat (shocking! but I don't think they mean bacon), beet greens, and red snapper. Are any of these foods a regular part of your diet? Any you've never ever tasted? Which would you be most inclined to add to your diet?
We butchered two pigs year before last and are still eating those with lots left in the freezer. We also butcher chickens which we have plenty of still. Mr. D eats almonds like they were going out of style and we eat LOTS of chard and kale in the summer and often I pick it up with the groceries in the winter too since it's so much better if it's fresh. We just had a beef-based soup with turnip, carrots, onion and kale last night and it was quite good. I do not eat chia seeds, rarely do we eat pumpkin seeds though sometime I add flax or sunflower or even pumpkin seeds to my bread for added crunch. I've never heard of cherimoya. We eat lots of fish, but flounder, halibut and red snapper are not within our food budget. We do eat tilapia and swai. I like both and though they aren't as high in omega 3 they are better for us than a red meat meal. We eat quite healthy, just too much.
5. Besides a major holiday what is the most recent thing you've celebrated with your people? Tell us how.
We had a birthday boy last week and a birthday girlie this week. Our birthday months are December, April, and September with two birthdays in each (or we could just make up a holiday to celebrate).
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Join the Hodgepodge fun at:
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Happenings in March and April
We have had quite a busy March and April so far. It all started with a huge snowstorm early in March the same day as Town elections. The Secretary of State sent out warnings the day before about the laws on cancelling or postponing elections which some did the year before when we had an Election Day storm, much the same only worse. In NH we cannot cancel or postpone elections based on the weather, so we had 60 show up and went through the process regardless of the weather. I was elected for another 3 years as Town Clerk, which I am very happy with, and we had beautiful sunshine for Town Meeting and though it snowed a little this afternoon, I think all-in-all the snow is finally going away.
In March we adopted a little pup from a shelter in Mississippi. His name is Skippy and he's really adorable and well behaved.
In March we adopted a little pup from a shelter in Mississippi. His name is Skippy and he's really adorable and well behaved.
He's a lot smaller than we expected since the pictures we had were of when he was younger. Mr. D is a little concerned that he might not be able to handle rat hunting. He's got a good nose and great digging paws and I hope once he matures a little he'll develop into a good hunter. He is learning how to stay home right now. He loves to go play with the neighbors dogs (boxers) and is not timid about picking on dogs that are a little bigger than him. He is house trained though piddles when he is nervous and he doesn't beg at the table. He doesn't like laps, so is not a lap dog, but loves cuddles. He doesn't shed very much at all because he has a semi-rough coat with the cutest whiskers and eyebrows. I call him "old man" cause he's a puppy, but his face looks like an old man.
We also had a great Easter with friends at church and family at my daughter Joanna's home. It was a beautiful sunny day. We feasted and had some play time with dogs and J & H went for a walk with the pups. We got home before dark and to bed early... it was a wonderful day.
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J & H and Norman for a walk on Easter |
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After the crowd went home and Mom cleaned up the debris. |
I just finished typing the minutes from Town Meeting which was especially long this year. I had 26 pages typed and they were just submitted to the DRA yesterday. I'm so happy that is over for another year. It is quite a process. I also had 4 workshops to attend in March which cut down on my work time. I am grateful that the Lord helped me wade through and I'm mostly caught up now. I have some filing chores that need to be done to keep up with the "retention policy".
Last Thursday we celebrated a boy birthday. Norman turned 6. He's growing up into a fine young man and is reading and doing well in school. I'm pleased as peaches with his Momma and how she's doing as a Mom.
Here they are being a little silly...
This was on his birthday I think. She had the day off and let him stay home from kindergarten for the day. Then they came to our house. We gave him his presents then we had a vet appointment for Skippy and then we went to "Old McDonalds" for lunch. I think the only reason he likes to eat there is because he gets a toy in the lunch box. This time is was a Snoopy spinner. He really doesn't like the food so much, but he did enjoy a Strawberry shake... not a big cake eater either.
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Out for dinner with Auntie Heather. What a birthday! |
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Connect to This Side of the Pond and join in for this Hodgepodge.
1. January 24th is National Compliment Day. Is it easy or not so easy
for you to accept a compliment? Share a recent compliment you've given or
As dumb as it is, I have a hard time with compliments. I try to do what I do for God's glory and when people compliment me I don't really feel worthy, but I can usually mutter a thank you anyway. It's something I've always struggled with. Secretly though it does feel good to get a compliment. I love giving compliments, but have a hard time accepting them from others. Hmmmm.... another thing I need to work on.
2. Ten little things you are loving right now.
The sunshine today, the beautiful Amarylis that is blooming in my office, thoughts of spring and planting season, my family and my wonderful sweet and loving husband, good talks with my daughter and spending time with the grandboy on Fridays, getting all the crud out of my backpack... it was getting oppressive in there, finally having a regular quiet time by cutting back on my schedule a bit (praying for continued good health so I can continue doing this), not sure that this is little, but the peace of knowing the Lord is there all the time.
warmer weather is coming |
3. Would people describe you as a positive person? Do you see yourself that way?
I read here a list/description of eight things positive people do differently-
Positive people find something to look forward to every day, they celebrate the small stuff, they're kind, they stay busy, accept responsibility for their actions, forgive themselves, know when to move on, and resist comparisons
I would say that most of these are true of me. I'm not sure of the "resist comparisons" thing. I don't compare myself with others very often but once in a while I do. There are times when I just sit and think... not busy ALL the time. Forgiving myself is difficult too sometimes.
Which action on the list would you say you do regularly? Which action could you add to your life to give you a more positive outlook? If you're a positive person, what's something you do regularly that's not on the list?
I regularly look forward to another day. I definitely celebrate the small stuff. I think I am kind to others. I take responsibility for my actions. I forgive others, but have a hard time forgiving myself. I tend to move on when life is difficult and I try to not compare myself with others so I'm sure that is an area that needs work.
4. Homemade chicken soup, beef stew, or a bowl of chili...what's your pleasure on a cold winter's day?
I am fond of homemade chicken or turkey soup with lots of veggies. I don't add rice or noodles since Mr. D can't eat them, but soup and biscuits is a favorite of mine and we have PLENTY of chicken!!!
5. The best part of my day is....
I'm a morning person and always have been. Mr. D likes to sleep in a bit 'cause he has a hard time sleeping through the night, so I can get up early and have the place to myself for a bit before he gets up and presents me his list of stuff he wants me to do.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
Randomly thinking about elections coming up in March and praying that I have a job still. It's going to be tough dealing with this every 3 years knowing that you may not have a job if you aren't elected. I am enjoying my position, but realistically I need to prepare in case I need to suddenly look for a new position. I'm hoping all goes well this year as I really don't have anything to fall back on currently.
We had to say goodbye to our little Spotty last week. She has been a regular part of our lives for 11 years and we will miss he VERY much. She had breast cancer and it got to the point where she had trouble walking and eating and moving around to get comfortable, so we knew it was time. This picture was taken only minutes before the vet put her down. She was a good dog!
Thursday, January 4, 2018
A taste of summer. It really does warm up around here.
Little Spotty enjoying a pleasant walk to the garden. She loves going there and laying in the cool dirt while I weed.
It's a little walk down the hill/driveway. I've always liked the view down our driveway.
corn and zucchini
same plants after a week or so.
Beets, summer squash and pole beans in the background
the winter squash. The culvert in the background will one day be our root cellar.
looking up the driveway from the garden, the summer squash in the foreground with netting over the blueberries.
We have plenty of volunteer berries, blackberries and raspberries all around the property. They make yummy muffins and pancakes in the mid winter like today when the weather is brutal.
The Hollyhocks were nonstop this year. These came up from last year and last year they were white, this year pink, not sure what will happen next year. I loved these reddish pink ones. I would have preferred them to be the double variety, but they were beautiful and lasted well into fall.
A few straw flowers. I dried some of these to use in winter. They are odd little flowers that feel stiff even when they are in full bloom and dry beautifully.
OK... that was my little fix of warm to get me through the rest of the winter.
I am so thankful that we had such a good harvest this year. Our freezer was full. Now that Mr. D cannot pick up veggies, at least not at this time, we are enjoying what we have stored. God has surely given us plenty. We can plant our hearts out and strive to make things grow, but God is the only one that can make these plants produce the way he has. I'm waiting patiently to get my hands into the warm earth again.
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