Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Family is All Together

Last night Heather and Brandon arrived.  They have moved back home.  Heather will be working at the same place I work.  Brandon will now live close enough to see him every day if I like.  Joanna and Heather may share a rental which would be good for both of them at this point in their lives.  

Mr. D has already given Brandon the chore of taking the lawn tractor and changing the ice and checking the eggs in the egg box.  He was excited about being able to drive the lawn tractor down the driveway.  Not exactly a "go cart" but better that walking the hill.

We have one of these little birds (Dark-eyed Junco) defending his nest from intruding males... aka reflections in the car mirrors.  He has made quite a mess all over the sides of 3 cars now.  I hope those chicks hatch soon and he moves on.  They are cute little birds and no lack of stamina.  I've admired his energy in attacking those mirrors.  They are friendly too.  I was weeding in the garden last week one was sitting on the post in the garden watching me the whole time and when I was done, he just flew away.  

We received our little chicks yesterday.  I haven't been down to see them yet.  I did go in and spread straw around in preparation for them and then Mr. D bought some wood shavings to lay down too.  They are so cute when they are little.  Then they grow up... 'nuf said.

We have had a good soaking rain last night and this morning.  Just what the garden needed.  I can hardly wait to get down there and pull weeds and see what's coming up now.  I think I will have some brussel sprouts this year.  We started them early and they are doing quite well.  Should have plenty of tomatoes, cukes, and squash.  We had some old bean seeds that we planted and those aren't coming up, so I may have to ditch that idea and go with some other type of bean that is faster growing.  I did pick up some "Blue Lake" but would like to get some "Northeaster" which I looked for at the local seed places, but cannot find.  Reasonable people have already planted all their crops.  I hope these beans make it 'cause it would be really sad not to have a good crop of beans to put up this year.  We always have a couple bushel baskets full and we like green beans very much.  

Isaiah 58:11
And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not.

More later... lunch break is over.

1 comment:

  1. Good mroning Mrs. Doug! So glad we found each other. I love everthing Homestead. I used to be a Homestead blogger but had to let it go because our adopted children's mother had tracked us down... :( But we have moved on and I am happy to visit you and enjoy another Christian woman blogger, homesteader, mother, worker outside the home...
    Hope you have a beautiful weekend to get out in the garden.
