Thursday, June 3, 2010

Millett Farm Garden

OK... here's the garden....
It looks small in this picture, but there are hundreds of tiny little beet plants transplanted here.  Where the fencing is there are peas, in front of the peas are chard and radishes.  This part of the garden did poorly last year but we have added lots of manure and it is much drier this year.  Watch out.... I can see the weeds growing as I type this.

On tops of the garden is the rhubarb, asparigus, and 
strawberries.  We also planted shell beans and on the fencing to the right are romano and Bible beans.

Along the sloping sides are all the squash, cukes, a little corn and near the bottom by the driveway is are the blueberry bushes and herbs.

and of course I must include a picture of the chicks... they were curious and wanted their picture taken too...

I'll try to keep you posted and update pictures as things grow.  The cool thing about it is that the next day after planting the Lord sent a nice rain and then the next day sun and today rain again and tomorrow is supposed to be sunny.... cool.

God is so good!

More later.


  1. God IS good!

    Great looking garden and I love the chicks. :)


  2. I'd love to see & hear more about Bible beans ... never heard of those!

    Well, your garden is amazing! I guess you knocked out my excuse that we live on a hillside & can't ever have a garden ! We have very rocky soil too. Bleck - oh, and nothing grows unless you add lime to the soil. Hard work - but I love seeing what you are up to!

  3. Ladies thank you for visiting my blog. I'm still recuperating from using flabby muscles that don't get used all the time. Maybe I should go into training for the beginning of gardening next year.

    Ruth Bible Beans are an experiment this year. I found them from our local farmers seed exchange. They sounded interesting, but with most experiments we end up going back to the tried and true seeds. I already had poor luck with one batch of seeds from that group, but that doesn't mean they'll all be bad. We bought some local "sweet meat" squash seeds and out of all the seed only 3 germinated in the greenhouse. We planted them and have "high hopes" that they will produce squash.

    Mr. D saves seeds from our squash... well, actually I save them and he finds places to store them. We have had great success with that even producing a new squash which Mr. D calls the "Dan" squash.

    We both really love winter squash, summer squash, beets, chard and shell beans. One year I planted "Red Runner" beans. They have beautiful flower, bright red, and the beans are huge, but not such good quality for shell beans. I haven't tried stewing them. I did save some of the seeds to plant again sometime.
