Friday, April 23, 2010

Happy Friday

I would say TGIF, but I should be thankful for every day.  I do like Sunday, Wednesday and Friday the best.  Saturdays are OK, and Tuesdays are fun too.  Tuesdays used to be more fun, 'cause Mr. D would come in with me to work and stick around all day and then we'd go home together, but new rules prevent him from being here, so we don't see each other even if he is in town for the day.  The rest of the days are good too, but those are my favs.

Any day that we can live for God is good.  I can honestly say my life is full of good days.  Some may seem better than others, but they are all good.  Today I went to pick up compost for the chickens and ducks and found 2 nice looking pears and a couple of small bananas.  That was nice 'cause I drove off this morning and left my lunch on the counter at home.  Thank you Lord for your blessings.  The pears are even ripe... see God knows I have no teeth to chew with and so He gave me soft fruit.  Isn't that cool?

It's kinda slow today at work too so I have a little time to post some thoughts here during my lunchtime.  That's cool too.

What will you be doing on your Friday?  I would love to get together with friends, but Mr. D and I will probably make a pizza tonight and then spend some time with the Lord, watch the news, maybe one of our old movie videos, or play a couple games.  Recently I picked up a monopoly card game that is really fun.  Mr. D like the Monopoly board game, but I get bored to death playing it, 'cause it is sooooo loooooong.  Who has time for that?  So this card game is a lot like the board game except it is really fast moving.  We enjoy playing that. 

Saturday I have the laundry and it's going to be a nice day, so the clothes will be hanging in the sunshine and they'll smell oh so nice when I bring them in.  I have some raking to do and some weeding in the garden and if there's enough time I should till the garden too.  Mr. D has his hands full with getting ready for the building.  He has been sorting and figuring and I hope we've collected enough lumber (from the dump), to get the addition done.  

Saturday evening I will be working on my Sunday School lesson and probably baking bread.  If it's a warm evening it should rise OK.  Poor Mr. D had only one small loaf of bread this week, so he'll be looking forward to that.

Sunday will be a day of rest.  Church in the morning, then an easy lunch, maybe a walk through the woods with the Spot dog and then evening church.  Early to bed and then we start all over again.

I hope you have a great weekend.

Mrs. D


  1. I must have missed a post (or more?). Are you planning an addition to your home?

    I love reading your posts! It's so nice to see other people loving a simple lifestyle. :)

  2. I love your view of each day, Mrs. D!! :) I think when we are aware of God's presence with us, we notice those "little" blessings from Him more - like your perfect pear that He provided!

    My "boys" are out on a men's retreat tonight - maybe shooting skeet, maybe turkey hunting in the morning (well, hubby will be cooking breakfast if I know him - he's not a big hunter). We girls are hanging out at home, watching American Girl movies. And I made some cookies :)
