Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Canning - Camper Style

We prayed for a good harvest of especially tomatoes and cucumbers because we were out of pickles and canned tomatoes which we use regularly.  God provided a great harvest... that's not quite over yet despite a hard frost on Monday morning.  Thankfully a young man from church warned us of the frost and we had the afternoon to make sure things were covered.  

This is what I did most of the day Saturday.  I spent the early morning gathering supplies.  I had to find more rubber rings for our bale top jars, take the trash to the dump and get water for drinking.  I was home by 10 am, then went right to the garden and started picking and weeding.  I picked beans and tomatoes mostly.  There were a couple of squash but that is slowing down now.  Then I washed the jars and the canners and the bowls which I keep outside... no room inside right now.  And away we go....

first batch of tomatoes

second batch of tomatoes

last batch of cucumbers

canner going as well as brine on to boil and jars on to boil... made for crowded conditions on our little stove top

I was tired but all finished up around 10 pm with a pot of chicken soup made for church potluck cooling on the porch.

So, altogether so far I have 29 quarts of dill pickle slices, 17 quarts of tomatoes in jars, 4 quarts of frozen tomatoes and 2 quarts of roasted tomato sauce.  14 quarts of green beans in the freezer and more on the way if the weather holds.  We've enjoyed kale, Swiss chard, carrots (very few but tasty), many cherry tomatoes (which I am not canning or freezing), summer squash, zucchini, and we have not yet put up the winter squash or the beets.  They are all ready, but I just need some time now to do them.

God was good to us this summer and we'll enjoy these veggies all winter long.


  1. Mrs. Doug,
    I am amazed at how much you accomplished in your camper! Since I am new here I have not heard your story about you being a "pioneer" woman. Is this something you would share? I find it very interesting and have wondered what our life might be like, just Mister and I, when we can do the same! :) Hope you continue to be blessed in your garden!

    1. I like to jest that I am a "pioneer woman with a full-time job". I would like to be a full-time "homesteader", but right now I must work to pay bills etc. It's not a bad job and though the commute is long, it pays very well and I am grateful for all God has given me/us. When I retire though... watch out!

  2. Wow, I'm so impressed with what you can get done with a lot of determination in such a small space. :)
    Thankful for your good harvest ... wishing I could just get a hold of one canned glass of pickles ;)

    1. Just takes a little longer than in a larger space. I can only do one thing at a time since the stove is too small. I did manage to get the 7-quart canner on and the kettle of brine and the roaster for warming the jars for the next batch though it hung over a little. I was concerned with heat damage, but all was OK.

  3. Hi Mrs. Doug! It's been awhile but I've found your blog again after going through my older posts.
    It's great to see how to can do canning in a camper! God really gave you a wonderful harvest.
