Friday, October 12, 2012


I took yesterday off work.  Hmmmm could have been snuggled in a comfy chair reading a book and sipping hot tea... could have been shopping with friends or spending time with my huggable/kissable grandson... but instead of all those things on one of my precious vacation days I am tromping through mud and guts getting chicken ready to put in the freezer.  I am not bitter.  I am not even unhappy about this... what kind of person have I become that I would probably rather do this than any of the above things except of course snuggling with that huggable baby boy.  Well, for one thing we put 214 1/2 lbs of meat into the freezer yesterday.  We haven't even started butchering the 20+/- ducks that still need to be done.  It makes my heart glad to get that job done.  We're about 1/2 way through harvesting/butchering season so I will probably have one more muddy/gutty day to go. 

Pictures to come.

God is good!


  1. Sounds like a very busy time!!

  2. Only 1 more muddy/gutty day sounds like a good thing! And it sure is great to have all that meat in the freezer ...
