Thursday, March 15, 2012

Happy 2nd week of March

Last couple of days I haven't felt too well... some sort of flu is roaming around at work and two coworkers have been out for the count... hope it doesn't get any worse for me 'cause there's so much to do this week.

fall 2009
We've lost a couple birds this month.  I think they are just getting weary of winter and the weakest are getting hulled out.  The two chickens we lost were of the original stock from way back in  2009.  Here they are as curious young hens peeking out of the back door of the coop.  It was quite an ordeal to get them trained to go in and out through the plastic flaps.

All of these little girls had chicks of their own and now they are senior citizens.

We have a whole new flock and this year will be the year they end up in the freezer.  Even though this is a farm and I try not to make "emotional" attachments to my hens... this is still not a pleasant job for me.  I don't name the livestock and most of the year I rarely even go into the coop unless compelled to help with some project.  This year I did a little helping with the banding and pinioning, but that's about it.  Otherwise it is Mr. D's project.  I leave for work in the dark and come home in the dark during the winter months.  I spread the straw since Mr. D is allergic and if he is not well, I will water, feed, collect eggs etc.  Thankfully this winter hasn't been too bad for either of us healthwise.

I'm not sure where I got this picture from, but it just reminds me of my sweetie so much.  I remember when we had a wild turkey chick and it looked as though it was going to die and he cradled it in his hand just like this little bunny.  He really is a gentle folk  (but you gotta add a little grease under the fingernails).

Starting to think of the garden.  I'll probably start my indoor planting this weekend.  We're looking ahead to a really great next few days.  Our driveway is like a quaking bog right now and we can't drive up.  Not too bad for Mr. D and I, but poor Joanna who is 9 months pregnant.  She's a little winded by the time she makes it to the top.  Thank the Lord it looks like an early spring, so when the baby comes we hope it will be dried out a little.  She's a hiker though still hiking parts of the AT on her days off... so she's in pretty good shape for "climbing"  (our driveway goes straight up).

Here she is at her shower last month...
OK, Joanna... don't get mad at me... you can put it into the baby book.
Gotta love that girl.  She's so easy goin'.  I'm glad she's going to be a Mom.

I guess I'd better get home now and get some sleep.  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend if I don't get back here.  

Congrats to Connie and her son who have been in Germany enjoying family and friends and seeing all the old haunts.   And to Linda and her new little lambs they are incredibly cute!!


  1. We are in Autumn here, but my hens (4) have gone on stike - no eggs for the last few weeks, so they will be having a new girl coming to live with them in th next few days..... I just hate having to buy eggs!

  2. thanks for the mention :) we're home from Germany and had such an amazing time!! so thankful we got to go.
    I am sure you can't wait to hold that new baby who will be here so soon!!!!!
    hope you're feeling better soon.
