Sunday, April 17, 2011

Today is the last day

I have been visiting with my daughter and family in DC this past week.  I arrived on Thursday and today is the last full day.  I will be flying home tomorrow.  It doesn't seem possible that the time has gone this fast.  We have had a good time together.  On Friday evening we went to a great Italian restaurant together with a group of Heather's friends.  It was fun to get to know some of her friends.  Then on Saturday it rained all day so we stayed home and made some food and played some UNO.  Today Brandon and I went to Capital Hill Baptist church for Sunday School and church and then afterwards we took a little tour of some sites.  I had never been to the Pentagon memorial before so we went there first.  It was a sobering experience set just in front of the site where the plane struck the Pentagon on 9/11.  The youngest was a three year old little girl, the oldest a 71 year old veteran.   Each one of the 184 benches represent on person whose life was lost.  There is a small reflecting pool under each of them.  The trees which are small now will provide shade for the memorial in the days to come.  I didn't know this, but the repairs were done on the Pentagon in one year.

We also went to the Capitol building and it was such a glorious day we took some pictures...

There were even a few Cherry blossoms left and I think we must have been under one of the last ones to still be in bloom.  It took a while to get this shot, 'cause there was a group of school kids under... and in this tree taking pictures.

Everyone was out enjoying the beautiful day.  It was warm and the breeze was blowing and the sun was shining.

There's that happy face.  Even though the sun was right in our eyes.  

OK.  Now it's back to mud season in New Hampshire, but this was sure a lot of fun.

Thank you to my wonderful family for getting me out of the cold and mud for a few days.

See ya soon.

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